Beyond her exceptional gift as a draftsman, far beyond her professionalism and exquisiteness as engraver and her excellent teaching qualities, Dania Fleites crates worlds. Worlds of playful and conceptual intensity, of deep philosophical meditation and infinite semantic wealth. Worlds that observe us, capture us, portray us.
Whoever had the fortune of becoming acquainted with this creator’s work from the start knows that Dania Fleites excels herself in every new work. Like in a sophisticated and unusual domino game, each piece contains something of the former, but at the same time contributes a new element, both in the formal and conceptual planes. Hence the semantic wealth of her production; hence her constant renewal, her originality and her capacity to dazzle.
The works gathered in this exhibition are a clear summary of her creative work, with more than ten years of experience and several national and international prizes. Her excellence in engraving, painting and drawing are evidenced here; her didactic urge and, at the same time, her questioning of human attitudes, her fidelity to certain visual elements that are dear to her ethical-philosophical reasoning, such as the candle, whose flame goes from the most brilliant to the softest shades, according to the meaning of her representation. Flame of primitive, essential, comforting, smoothening and illuminating light, it adds eyes, mouths, ears, crosses, masks, spider webs, ambiguous, shells, trees and the flashy masculine and feminine genitals facing the public without prejudice or fear, in constant tension that aims at creating a reflection beyond the evident eroticist reference.
The predominant figurative chaos in some pieces is opposed by the absoluteness of the unique image in others, equally rich in metaphors and meanings. Precisely this exhibition is also a summary of many of the themes that the artist has broached: human isolation, indolence, hypocrisy, masking, the social connotations of judgment, human targets, machismo, the social roles, tolerance, among others. All of them impeccably drawn, outlined in strange landscapes of precise colors the recent use of color has been a favorable and pertinent incorporation that adds an important element at semantic level or exposed with the crudity and cynicism required by their approach in correspondence with their impact at human level, because Dania is not alien to humor, equally sharp, searching the decentralizing effect, the will of self-acknowledgment.
Dania Fleites constructs and reconstructs her worlds in each new proposal. The unique combination of elements familiar to the viewer creates an exotic, not too conventional landscape of shades, colors and figures that always lead to the questioning or reflection by the human being of his own essence; and despite the sharpness and the oddness of her works, beauty prevails in every one of them.
Caridad Tamayo Fernández