Ernesto Javier Fernández Zalacaín

Havana, Cuba, August 6, 1963
Education and Professional Experience
Second year of Photography, University of Havana
Practical studies of Digital Photography, Germany, 1995-1996
Member of the Association of Writers and Artists of Cuba
Member of the Association of Publicists of Cuba
1981-1983 Collaborator of the magazine Somos Jóvenes.
1983-1987 Photographer and journalist of the magazine Somos Jóvenes.
1984 Collaborator of the magazine Alma Mater.
1986 Founder of the magazine SEPMI.
Intermar Yearbook, Lloyds of London
1987 Founder of the magazine Nosotros.
1992-1993 Photographic works for the Zeitenspiegel agency, Germany.
1995-1996 Work in Zapata Kultur Zentrum, Germany.
Personal Exhibitions
2012 Let Memories Begin. Morro-Cabaña Cultural Complex, Havana, Cuba. Collateral to the 11th Havana Biennial. 2009 Done. La Casona Gallery, Havana, Cuba.
2007 That´s Me in the Corner. Fototeca de Cuba. Havana, Cuba. (with René Rodríguez).
2006 Daños colaterales. Villa Manuela Gallery, Havana, Cuba. (with René Rodríguez).
2002 Framing Cuba. Photographs by Ernesto Fernández and Ernesto J. Fernández. Harvard.University, Boston, Massachusetts, USA./ Framing Cuba. Photographs by Ernesto Fernández and Ernesto J. Fernández. La Recoleta Cultural Center, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
2001 Fotografías: Ernesto Fernández and Ernesto J. Fernández. Servando Cabrera Gallery, Havana, Cuba.
Photographs and designs (selection)
Record covers for the record seals EGREM, BISMUSIC, ARTCOLOR and Universal Music.
Advertising works for the Intur shopping network, Suchel, Tropicana nightclub, Habana Libre Hotel, Havana Club, Asistur, Cubalse.
Photographs for the books: The King of the Habano and Tribute to Cuban Painter Cundo Bermúdez.
Photographs for catalogs of Cuban artists’ exhibitions.
Photographs on the restoration and reanimation of Old Havana, at the request of the City Historian’s Office.
Large format digital prints for exhibitions and advertising.
Collective Exhibitions and Events
2013 Houston Art Fair, Houston, Texas / Villa Manuela Gallery, Havana, Cuba /
Limaphoto, Peru / Villa Manuela Gallery, Havana, Cuba / Cuba Contemporánea. Centre Culturel du Manoir de Cologny. Geneva, Switzerland / Parc, Contemporary Art Fair, Lima, Peru / Villa Manuela Gallery, Havana. Cuba / Affordable Arts Fair: New York, Hampstead Heath Capital Culture Gallery/
2012 Artbo. Bogotá Art Fair, Colombia / Villa Manuela Gallery Havana, Cuba / Houston Art Fair / La Casona Gallery, Havana, Cuba / Limaphoto. Lima, Peru / Villa Manuela Gallery, Havana, Cuba / Art Show LA Salt Fine Art Gallery, Los Angeles, USA./ Cuba!!! Salt Fine Art Gallery, Laguna Beach, Los Angeles, California /
2011 Artbo. Bogotá Art Fair, Colombia / Villa Manuela Gallery, Havana, Cuba / Siniestros. Habana Gallery, Havana, Cuba / Houston Art Fair, Texas, USA / La Casona Gallery, Havana / Ya sé leer. Imagen y texto en el Arte Latinoamericano. Wifredo Lam Contemporary Art Center, Havana, Cuba / Los Angeles Artshow, USA / La Casona Gallery, Havana, Cuba /
2010 ArtBo Fair. Bogotá, Colombia / Villa Manuela Gallery, Havana, Cuba / Monomanías. Habana Gallery, Havana, Cuba /
2009 Glamour de Occidente. Fonds Saint Jacques Cultural Center, Martinique / Artbo. Feria de Arte Contemporáneo, Bogotá. Colombia / Villa Manuela Gallery, Havana, Cuba / Glamour de Occidente. Collateral to the 10th Havana Biennial. House of Mexico. Havana, Cuba / Arteaméricas Fair. Havana Pavilion, Oñate Gallery, Miami, USA / Mito y Realidad. Bolivarian Museum of Contemporary Art. Santa Marta, Colombia / Subasta Humanitaria. Union of Writers and Artists of Cuba (UNEAC) /
2008 Mito y Realidad. Simón Bolívar House, Havana, Cuba / Arboleda. El cuerpo es cuerpos. Jesús Gallardo Gallery. International Festival of Contemporary Art, León, Guanajuato, Mexico./ We are porno, sí! Espacio Aglutinador, Havana, Cuba / Encuentro. Villa Manuela Gallery, Havana, Cuba / 2007 Arco Fair. La Casona Gallery, Madrid, Spain /
2006 Contemporary Cuban Art. Planet Discovery Hall. Beirut, Lebanon / Salon on the World Day against Desertification. White Hall. Convent of St. Francis of Assisi, Havana, Cuba / Art Forum. La Casona Gallery, Berlin, Germany / Reencuentro. Convent of St. Francis of Assisi, Havana, Cuba. Collateral show on the 20th Anniversary of Fototeca de Cuba /
2002 La Recoleta Cultural Center, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Awards and Residencies
Prize of the Playa Photography Salon, 1981.
Prize 13 de Marzo for the book De Condado a Kuando Kubango, 1986.
Prize of the 26 of July Salon, 1988.
First prize of Photography at Harvard University, Boston, 2001.
Fototeca de Cuba, Havana, Cuba./ Museo de Arte Cubano Contemporáneo. Viena, Austria/ Fundación Christierson Inglaterra./ Marc Grossberg, Houston, Estados Unidos, Jimmy Roberson, Houston, Estados Unidos./ Marceline Ganz, Ginebra, Suiza./ Celia Sredni de Birbragher, Bogotá, Colombia./ Rafael Nieto, Bogotá, Colombia./ Alberto Simmons, Bogotá, Colombia./ Javiera Aninat, Chile./ Susana y Caridad de La Puente, Lima, Perú./ Milagros Liendo, Lima, Perú./ Jack Cohen, Lima Perú./ Ben Schneider, Lima Perú./ Robert Borlenghi, Miami, Estados Unidos./ Andreas Winkler, Suiza./ Constantino Pares, Suiza.
Newspaper Juventud Rebelde/Magazines Somos Jóvenes, Caimán Barbudo, Nosotros y Alma Mater./Magazines Tempo, Brigitte, Wochenpost, Der Spiegel, Focus, special edition of Der Spiegel on the German universities/Newspaper Sun Sentinel/Magazine Cuba Inside.
Zeitenspiegel agency, Germany/Deutsche Welle, Germany/Horizons Films, London.